Shimmy Sham

To be owned, disgraced, defaced, humiliated, annihilated, obliterated in every way, shape or form. In can be used in a pick-up basketball or golf game, snaping contest, skate boarding and BMX challenges. Basically the opponent is expressing his complete confidence in his or her ability to destroy you in any competitive way or totally humiliate you in any manor he or she desires and can imagine. Orignially coined by a popular player named Zio Carmine in a MMO game played by millions (iMobsters). It is now being used in games to let opponents know that their death or their demise in the game context is quickly approaching and that such defeat will be their end!
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Shimmy Sham. Some of the top words include: OWN3RZD, pwned, Owned, defeated, ownage, and 25 more.